Receiving French order of merit
Receiving French order of merit
Recipient, Ordre National du Merite (France), January, 2021

Hoisting the flag at ASI bangalore circle celebrations of the 75,th independence day on 15.8.2022
Hoisting the flag at ASI bangalore circle celebrations of the 75,th independence day on 15.8.2022

Journeys in Particle Physics - Rohini Godbole Memorial Conference
We are honored to announce a 3-day memorial conference to celebrate the life and work of Prof. Rohini M. Godbole, a brilliant researcher, visionary leader, and champion of women in science. Prof. Godbole, an esteemed faculty member in our department, made groundbreaking contributions to the field of Particle Physics. Her dedication to academic excellence and mentorship inspired countless students, colleagues, and collaborators throughout her career.

Prof. Godbole's legacy extends beyond her scientific achievements. As a passionate advocate for women in science, she broke barriers and paved the way for future generations, leaving an indelible mark on the scientific community. Among her many accolades, she was honored with the prestigious Padmashri award for her exemplary contributions.
The memorial conference will be held from 13th to 15th March and will include prominent speakers, discussions, and tributes to reflect on her impact. An open session dedicated to honour the memory of Prof. Rohini will be held (Exact dates will be announced shortly). All other sessions will be exclusive to invited participants. 

Please visit the link for more details, participants, and ppt, pdf of their contributions.
Please also visit CHEP YouTube channel for videos. They will appear in the coming days as an when the editing is done. 

Rohini Godbole, 2023-03-02, 2024-03-06, OH-002-9.  Oral History: History of Science, OH-002. Archives at NCBS.
Archives at NCBS  through their project on 'Oral History of Science'  has made available 855 minutes recordings of interviews with Rohini Godbole in eight parts. It says:

Rohini Godbole discusses her childhood and early life, growing up in Deolali and Pune. She talks about her family’s financial and educational background. She shares her mother’s academic aspirations and struggles to fulfil her education while managing their home.
She shares memories of schooling, participation in debates, competitions, extempore and inclination to mathematics, sanskrit and science. She credits her mentors for guiding her toward a science scholarship, their efforts in helping her become familiar with English. She reflects on the importance of having had teachers who were open to feedback.
She talks about her parents’ role in creating an intellectually stimulating environment at home, influence of Pune’s cultural environment and the differences in India when she was born and 75 years after Independence.

Following links in right panel for each session, and then 'Go to digital object ' - towards top right corner - you can listen to it or download these interviews.

Celebrating the legacy of NASI Scientists
Google Meet : Thursday, February 13, 2025.  2:00 – 7:00pm (Time zone: Asia/Kolkata).
Video call link:
On behalf of the NASI Bangalore chapter, we Cordially invite you to participate in the NASI-IISc jointly organized meeting on Feb 13th at 2pm in Faculty Hall, IISc. This meeting is organized to remember the Scientific contributions of recently demised NASI Scientists Profs. Manju Sharma, R. Chidambaram, Rohini Godbole and Anil Kumar. Please find here the attached Poster and the Program (Second page) for your reference. Looking forward for your participation in this important meeting. (PDF) 
Those who cannot attend the meeting physically can attend the meeting online via video call link:

Ramaswamy, R., 2025. Rohini Godbole (1952-2024). And then.

With Rohini Godbole’s passing in the early hours of October 25, 2024, not only did India lose a prominent particle physicist, but the movement for gender equality in science in the country lost a vocal and passionate champion, and many of us lost a good friend, colleague, and mentor. Hers was a life cut tragically short: Rohini was a month short of seventy-two, and almost to the end she had remained deeply involved in her academic work.

In memory of Prof. Rohini Godbole "Prof. Rohini Godbole, one of the pioneers of collider physics phenomenology in India and a champion of gender equity in STEM, passed away on October 25th, 2024." Amol Dighe writes in AAPPS Bulletin. For complete 'News and Views (11 & 12)' please visit AAPPS Bulletin. doi:10.1007/s43673-024-00140-8
Dighe, A., 2025. In memory of Prof. Rohini Godbole. AAPPS Bulletin, 35(1):4-5. doi:10.1007/s43673-024-00140-8

मराठी विज्ञान परिषदेच्या ‘५९वे अखिल भारतीय मराठी विज्ञान अधिवेशन, नांदेड’ मध्ये प्रा. रोहिणी गोडबोले यांना श्रद्धांजली वाहण्यात आली. तिची ही ध्वनिफीत. (१२ जानेवारी २०२५). स्त्रोत: , अधिवेशनाविषयी अधिक माहिती.

Raychaudhuri, S., and Ramaswamy, R., 2025. Rohini Godbole (1952–2024). Current Science, Personal News 128, 108–110.
When Rohini Godbole passed away in the early hours of 25 October 2024, India lost a prominent particle physicist, the move-ment for gender equality in science lost a vocal and passionate champion, and many of us lost a colleague, a mentor, and a good friend. Hers was a life cut tragically short; she was just short of seventy two and had many years of active engagement left in her.

आरती हळबे. (अनुवाद). २०२५.  रोहिणी गोडबोले यांची उच्च-ऊर्जापूर्ण विद्वत्ता. रीसर्च मॅटर्स.
चिकित्सकपणे विचार करण्याच्या आपल्या क्षमतेचा उपयोग स्वत:च्या क्षेत्रात प्रगती करण्याबरोबरच विज्ञान समुदायात सुधारणा घडवून आणण्यासाठी करणारे वैज्ञानिक सापडणे दुर्मिळच! भारतीय विज्ञान क्षेत्रातील असे एक दुर्मिळ रत्न काही दिवसांपूर्वी गळून पडले.
मूळ लेख: Aashima. 2024. The high-energetic wisdom of Rohini Godbole. The Life of Science

Sunil Mukhi. 2025. Rohini Godbole – A Passion for Science. Bhāvanā, The mathematics magazine.
ith the passing of Professor Rohini Godbole on October 25, 2024, India has lost one of its leading scientists. She was a theoretical physicist who researched phenomena that are observed at high-energy elementary particle accelerators. The goal of this enterprise is to understand one of the deepest mysteries of nature – the ultimate constituents of matter. She had an enviable international reputation in the field and even helped to shape the plans for future billion-dollar accelerator facilities through her research. And beyond her research she was a passionate proponent of the scientific enterprise, an outstanding teacher and mentor of students, an active member of policy-making committees and an advocate for gender equity and the cause of women in science. She was also a close personal friend of mine for nearly 50 years.

Journeys in Particle Physics Rohini Godbole Memorial Conference
In the memory of Prof. Rohini M. Godbole - A pioneering particle physicist and a Champion of Women in Science, who passed away recently on the 25th of October 2024, we, The Centre for High Energy Physics are organizing a 3-day memorial conference, "Journeys in Particle Physics - Rohini Godbole Memorial Conference", at Indian Institute of Science - her home institute.
We cordially invite you to present a talk related to the topics which you have collaborated with Rohini and perhaps bring it up to date.
Conference Details:
Dates: 13th - 15th March 2025
Venue: Auditorium, New Physical Sciences Building, IISc

For further details, including the list of speakers and the tentative schedule, please visit our official CHEP website:
We would be deeply honored by your presence as we come together to celebrate the life, work, and legacy of Prof. Rohini M. Godbole.
Kindly complete your registration for the conference and the registration fee using this link:
The Organizing Committee,
Geneveive Belanger, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Fawzi Boudjema, Justin David, Xerxes Tata, Sudhir Vempati

Remembering Rohini 
By email, over whatsApp we had been receiving condescence, people sharing memorable interactions with Rohini. Here are some. 

वसुमती धुरू, २००९. विज्ञानमयी. चतुरंग, लोकसत्ता.
वसुमती धुरू यांनी 'Lilavati's Daughters' मधील तब्बल चौर्यांशी व्यक्तिरेखांचा परिचय २००९सालात 'लोकसत्ता'मधील शनिवारच्या चतुरंग पुरवणीतून करून दिला आहे.

Physicist, Proponent, and Pioneer—Celebrating the Life of the Late Prof. Rohini Godbole.
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi NCR. December, 2024.
How does one sum up the life of one so exalted as Prof. Rohini Godbole? Perhaps it’s fitting to view her legacy through two profound lenses: the physics she embraced and the advocacy she championed.
Poster on Rohini.

Prof. Vandana Nanal. Towards Gender equity in science -- What can institutions do?  December 3, 2024. Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, TIFR's ASET Forum. youTube 
The gender inequality in science has been globally recognised as a serious problem. In India, the gender gap in the science profession is particularly large at faculty and higher levels. Although a few individual women scientists have been working since pre-independence era, the awareness of gender-based impediments for women scientists is of more recent origin. Late Prof. Rohini Godbole has played a major role in promoting gender equity in science, both at national and International level.
As a tribute to her efforts, this colloquium is organised in two parts. The first part will bring forth a brief overview of the current status of women in science and challenges in the Indian context, with some glimpses of Prof. Godbole's work in this aspect.

अभय देशपांडे. २०२४. लीलावतीची लेक... मराठी विज्ञान परिषद पत्रिका, ५९(९):१३ 

The high-energetic wisdom of Rohini Godbole
The beloved phenomenologist leaves a large intellectual legacy that the Indian science community can continue to be proud of.  Aashima writes in The Life of Science (Nov 12, 2024).

Please see Rohini Godbole speaking at Convocation IISER Kolkata - at her last public appearance. Three videos: 1. Welcome and Introduction by Prof. Natu 2. Speech 3. Felication and Awards Presentation  

विज्ञानव्रती - डॉ. राधिका विंझे - Loksatta, 9th November 2024. 

IISc Prof. Rohini Godbole passed away peacefully in her sleep on the morning of friday 25 Oct 2024 in Pune, after a brief illness.
Please visit Remembering Padma Shri Prof. Rohini M. Godbole for more details. 
Condolence note on the passing of Prof Rohini Godbole - IISc.

Rohini GodboleHello, I am Rohini. I am a Professor at the centre for High Energy Physics in the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, I have been here for 25 years now, the longest I have ever been at any Institute and by 31st July will be an honorary professor here after retiring or superannuating, as they call it technically. I started my life in physics with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics and Statistics from Sir Parshurambhau college of Pune with a first rank in the University going to get an M.Sc. in Physics from IIT ( Mumbai) with a silver Medal and then getting a Ph.D. from S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook in U.S.A in 1979. The latest degree I got was a D.Litt. (Honoris Causa) by the S.N.D.T Women’s University. Have a look at the short or long CV below if you want to know more details of my academic life.

If you want to look at my current list of publications take a look at here

You may also want to take a look at the list of publications as available in the INSPIRE-HEP data base here. This also gives an analysis.

I really enjoy teaching. Of course I teach at the Indian Institute of Science. The latest set of lectures I gave here were on MSSM phenomenology, a course based on some chapters of my SUSY book. If you want to see list of some recent courses I gave at IISc see the list here.

If you want to see some lectures I gave outside of IISc in the past five year see this list here.

I love talking about physics and give many talks in the course of an year. These are a few of the talks I have given recently. (Complete List (updated on 14th May 2022) )

Other than doing physics, I love talking to young students in schools and colleges not just about the world of particle physics but also my other interest viz. increasing women’s participation in Science in India. I give popular talks about physics and about women in science to adult audiences as well. You will find a list of such talks given recently here.

I have been involved in working for women in science . You can see more details here.

I love reading , spending my time watching some of the BBC serialization of John Le Carre books or Father Brown stories or the ageless Columbo!!

A very short CV (updated on  22nd May 2022) 
Short Version (updated on 25th May 2022) (also as a pdf)
Full version (updated on 14th May 2022) (also as a pdf)

More Latest Updates...

Godbole, R., 2022. All That Matters, in: Her Story : IIT Bombay Gen Zero Women, Curated by Rashmi Bansal. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 94–97. Read the story.

Godbole, R. 2022. Reflections on a life in Science. Science Reporter, International Women’s Day Special 59, 8–13.
Fischer,  O.
et al. 2021. Unveiling Hidden Physics at the LHC
e-Print: 2109.06065  

Honorary Member, Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, April 2022.
D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), Visweswaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India (2022)

Member of the Advisory Group, World Bank's Global Tertiary Education effort (2021-2022).
Member, Advisory Group for the African Strategy for Fundamental and Applied Physics (ASFAP), (2020-2022).

Shedding light on the DM in the Universe (at the LHC), Goyal Award lecture, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, April 8, 2022.
Probing SUSY in the EW sector, DPRoy Memorial Lecture, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, March 15, 2022.

प्रयोगशील संशोधन मोलाचे! Sakal. June 4, 2022.
Weighty challenge to Standard Model of physics: Scientists. The Telegraph. April 8, 2022
Imagine life over the past two years without the internet, says Rohini Godbole. News9. February 28, 2022.

Godhole, R., 2022. What can tracing the footprints of elementary particles tell us? In: Sharma, A., Raman, S. (Eds.), India’s Science Geniuses. Juggernaut, New Delhi, India, 153–162.

Godbole, R. 2023. Science in India needs a ground-up approach. Hindustan Times.

Tejasvini : Interview with Dr. Rohini Godbole on DD News 22nd July 2022

Godbole, R. 2022. Field Theory and the E-W Standard Model Lecture 1-3. Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP 2022), Pyeongchang, Korea. pdf and videos are now available. More at:

Godbole, R. M.. (September 2, 2022). Light LSP and Heavy Higgs [Online]. Workshop on BSM physics, 30 august - 2 September, 2022, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar.

प्रतिभा सराफ. (मार्च २०२१). अजून खूप काही... (डॉ. रोहिणी गोडबोले यांची मुलाखत). शब्द रुची, ८(११), २१-२४.

रोहिणी गोडबोले. (२००७). मूलकणांच्या आकर्षणाचा शोध. मौज, दिवाळी, २०२-२१०.

Godbole, R. 2023. Light on light supersymmetric Dark Matter. IMSc60 Celebration, 2-5 Jan 2023, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, INDIA. (pdf)

Prof. Rohini Godbole interviewed by Riya Khasnis and Ilina Bopardikar. 2023. नवदुर्गा: स्त्रोत नवप्रेरणेचा, ePrasaran Internet Radio.

Godbole, R. 2022. Light dark matter in SUSY. Light Dark World International Forum 2022, Online.

Adhikary, A. et al., 2022. Long live The NMSSM! DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2207.00600
arXiv:2207.00600 [hep-ex, physics:hep-ph]

Godbole, R., 2022. Higgs Boson : the early story. Theoretical Perspectives a Decade After Higgs Boson Discovery. Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc.

Godbole, R. 2022. Shedding ’light’ on Dark Matter in the Universe (at the LHC) - Probing Supersymmetry in the Electroweak Sector at the upcoming runs of the LHC: light neutralino and heavy higgses. Physics Colloquium, Shiv Nadar University, New Delhi. 

Godbole, R. 2022. Importance of Inclusion in the Vision of New CSIR. CSIR-NEERI celebrates 81st foundation day of CSIR, 27th September 2022, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur. (Press release).  Ajay Mardikar of Live Nagpur covered it in press.

Godbole, R. 2022. Story of prediction of MW and the SM - MW prediction and the SM. May 26, 2022. Eleventh Convocation, IISER Mohali.  (video).

Godbole, R. 2022. Strategies to promote Gender Equality in STEM - Thoughts of a science practioner who has been working on gender in STEM on the side. [Panelist.]. Going Global Asia Pacific 2022 organized by British Council, Singapore on November 28, to December 1, 2022.

Godbole, R. 2023. Doing particle physics as a woman. International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Masterclasses in Greece (Chania, Thessaloniki), ALICE Masterclass, Thessaloniki, Greece. February 10, 2023. (Online Video Conference). (video, pdf)

Godbole, R. 2023. Gender Equity in STI ecosystem and its importance for Indian Science and Development. 108th session of the India Science Congress, Nagpur on January 5, 2023.

Godbole, R., 2022. Empowerment of women through Enterpreneurship. 'S&T based Entrepreneurship Development' Jointly organized by CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow, NASI, Prayagraj and BCIL, New Delhi on September 12, 2022.

Joshi, A., 2022. Rohini Godbole - Being The Light, in: Misra, K.D. (Ed.), Vigyan Vidushi - 75 Trailblazers of India. Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi, 96–97. (Book Brochure)

Godbole, R., 2022. Steven Weinberg: The Physicist and his physics. Vignyana Kathegalu. Raman Research Institute, Bangalore on August 19, 2022. (video, poster).

Godbole, R., 2011. An experiment that shaped the physics of the century. Resonance - Journal of Science Education. 16, 1019–1028.
reproduced in :
Godbole, R., 2022. An experiment that shaped the physics of the century, in: Resonance-75: Promoting Science Education - Volume I. Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 361–368.

Godbole, R., 2022. How do we know what lies within? Three-day Teachers' Training program at IISER Thiruvananthapuram. on July 16, 2022.

Godbole, R., 2022. Equity and Inclusion in Science : focus gender. What role can Institutions and Scientists play? Public Talk at Three-day Teachers' Training program at IISER Thiruvananthapuram on July 15, 2022.

Godbole, R. 2022. Gender (in)equity in Science : Reasons and possible actions. 33rd Mid-Year Meeting, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, on July 8, 2022.

Godbole, R. 2022. Life of a young scientist: what helps and what hinders. Keynote lecture at "Gender equity in academia: a first aid kit" organized by Physics Department, Technical University, Munich (Physik-Department, Technische Universität München), Munich, Germany on September 15, 2022.

Godbole, R. 2022. Iconic Women Scientists of India. Keynote Speaker at WiSDom, Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS), New Delhi on July 27, 2022. (poster, Brief intersting pesentation. Video.).

Latest News
Visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Rohini Godbole speaking at Convocation IISER Kolkata - at her last public appearance. Three videos: 1. Welcome and Introduction by Prof. Natu 2. Speech 3. Felication and Awards Presentation

Physicist Rohini Godbole Receives The Highest Honour Of Merit From France

Rohini Godbole - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

SHE THOUGHT IT, SHE SAID IT by Neža Kričaj, Instituto de Literatura Comparada (Institut for Comparative Literature)

“Lilavati’s Daughter” : Prof. Rohini Godbole by Dr Mukta Tathavadekar, S & T Digital

Guest of Honour and Honorary Doctorate Recipient, Ninth Convocation Ceremony 2023, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (IoE) on 29 July 2023. (Watch here video of Welcome and my Acceptance speech. ). (Full ceremony).

Recipient of Honorary Doctorate followed by acceptance speech at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on May 2, 2023. (Full ceremony).

 Godbole, R.M., 2023. Lessons from a life in mathematics for India’s women in science. Hindustan Times.

IISc, 2023. Celebration of “WOMEN IN STEM” on International Women’s Day on 8 March 2023. Indian Institute of Science. Presented with others "awe-inspiring success stories of some incredible Women, who have broken the glass ceiling to reach out and beyond." (Poster)

DHNS, Bengaluru, 2023. Women in STEM: Experts suggest mentoring, support networks. Deccan Herald. The major hurdle for women scientists is others doubting their capabilities or believing they aren't serious about science, said Prof Rohini Godbole, Padma Shri awardee and theoretical physicist at IISc.

रोहिणी गोडबोले (७-अ), १९६४. माझी आवडती ऐतिहासिक व्यक्ती- दुसरे नानासाहेब पेशवे,  बालिकादर्श. हुजूरपागा, पुणे, २७-२८.
रोहिणी गोडबोले (८-क), १९६५. विज्ञानाची किमया, बालिकादर्श. हुजूरपागा, पुणे, ६०-६२.
रोहिणी गोडबोले (१०-क), १९६७. माझे आवडते रणगीत, बालिकादर्शचा सुवर्णमहोत्सव. हुजूरपागा, पुणे, ९५-९७.
रोहिणी गोडबोले (१०-क), आमची श्रद्धास्थाने, बालिकादर्शचा सुवर्णमहोत्सव. हुजूरपागा, पुणे, १२०-१२२. 
Godbole, R.M. (१०-क), 1967. Reforms That may be Introduced in my School, बालिकादर्शचा सुवर्णमहोत्सव. Huzurpaga, Pune, 143–144.
क्षिरसागर, क. कृ., फेब्रुवारी २०२१. फ्रान्सच्या सर्वोच्च पुरस्काराच्या मानकरी डॉ. रोहिणी गोडबोले. सृष्टिज्ञान ९४:२, ३०-३१.
Godbole, R. 2022. Equity and Inclusion in Science and Science writing. Science writing workshop, Current Science Association, IAS, Bangalore, Online, on April 17, 2022.
Godbole, R. 2022. Mega Science Projects: Relevance of and for India. "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav", AMD, Hyderabad on February 22, 2022. (transcript, video: on YouTube, on AMD website.)
Godbole, R. 2022. Equity and Inclusion in Science. 11th Convocation of IISER Mohali on May 26, 2022.
Godbole, R. 2022. Dark Matter in SUSY: Status and Prospects. PPC 2022: 15th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, St. Louis, Missouri, USA on June 7, 2022.
Godbole, R. M. 2022. How do we know what lies within? From the heart of the matter to the edges of the Universe! (Online). Summer student porgram, IUAC, New Delhi on June 15, 2022.
Godbole, R. M. 2022. Light LSP and Heavy Higgs. Workshop on BSM physics, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar on September 2, 2022. 
Godbole, R. 2022. Particle Physics : Journey from the very small to very large!. Master Your Physics 2022, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam on June 9, 2022.

Awards & Attainments
In Media

Guest of Honour and Honorary Doctorate Recipient, Ninth Convocation Ceremony 2023, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (IoE) on 29 July 2023. (Watch here video of Welcome and my Acceptance speech.).

Commencement followed by acceptance speech at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on May 2, 2023.

Rohini Godbole. 2023. Light on light supersymmetric Dark Matter. IMSc60 Celebration, 2-5 Jan 2023, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, INDIA.  

Prof. Rohini Godbole interviewed by Riya Khasnis and Ilina Bopardikar. 2023. नवदुर्गा: स्त्रोत नवप्रेरणेचा, ePrasaran Internet Radio.



Field Theory and the E-W Standard Model Lecture 1-3. Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP 2022), Pyeongchang, Korea. pdf and videos are now available. More at:

Unravelling Secrets of Nature: From Rutherford to LHC Samvaad-International Lecture Series (pdf)

International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) videos – especially “Higgs Physics – Lecture 1 to 4” &  “Women in Mathematics and Physics”

INVISIBLE BIASES : A Braided River: The Universe of Indian Women In Science